Is your TV so loud that your neighbors are getting the benefit of your new satellite dish?! Hearing loss is a very common health concern in the United States today – in fact, it’s the 3rd most [...]
We hear in our ears, but we process and understand sound in our brain. Hearing aids can help a person detect sounds that are no longer in their range of audibility, but they don’t necessarily [...]
For most adults dealing with age related hearing loss, today’s hearing aids provide an effective treatment option. However, for those with more severe hearing impairment, occasionally sudden in [...]
The average volume of a lawnmower while in use is 95 dB, and according to the American Academy of Audiology, any sound louder than 85 dB is considered “potentially hazardous”.
Hearing loss has been a problem for as long as humans have been around and because hearing loss affects people’s ability to connect and form relationships with others, hearing devices were [...]
Tinnitus is the term for the perception of sound when no external sound is present. It is often referred to as “ringing in the ears,” although people describe it as hissing, roaring, whistling, [...]
So, you finally made and KEPT that appointment for a hearing evaluation. Congratulations! You took that all-important first step to a better quality of life.
Have you ever wondered if your children or grandchildren are damaging their hearing by using personal listening devices, cell phones, or by listening to loud music that’s too loud?